Monday, May 24, 2010


Students learn best when they are respected, and guided in love by teachers who love what they do. When a teacher loves their subject, and can communicate that love, students are drawn in and take ownership. I am reminded of a new teacher that I work with who was hired a month in to the first semester. She replaced a teacher who had a difficult group of sixth graders, and the group dynamic revealed an underlying dislike of the grade level by the teacher. The students were often displaying behavior that appeared rebellious and frustrated. The new teacher built a climate of calm control, but also an interest in the students and a love for the subject matter. Within a month, the new teacher had students deeply involved in the subject matter, the students maintained a positive attitude, and that attitude was transferable to substitute teachers as well as support staff that came in to the classroom. The new teacher had given out responsibilities, involved the class in the governing of the classroom, and created a network of checks and balances to guide student behavior. The climate improved dramatically from that first month of the school year with the prior teacher.

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